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why does it say 70 das of gameplay when it ends on like day 35?


Sorry if that was confusing. The completed story will be around 70 days. So far we have reached day 37 in the Illustrated version.


thank you, it's a great game! Was just sad it ended sooner than i was expecting:)

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If you want to know what happens in the next few days, the Dev has a text version of this exact story (non-illustrated) that has more days already completed. Just click on "view all by xxerikxx" (if you have made him a favorite, I guess.)

literally says
"This is a big game, and will be more than 70 days of gameplay (v.0.17 has 36 days of gameplay)"

I adjusted the text after LilRedRoster's comment. The original text could be misleading.


Ahh, no worries.

I can't get the Mega links to work for whatever reason, is there another place I can download this from


I just hope for a happy harem ending and some mother daughter threesome scenes

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Only in his dreams :)


Too bad that the only payment method is via PayPal.

If there was an alternative, I and many others that hate PayPal would buy the game


I don't believe that I can do anything with that. The alternative is to become a Patreon I believe they are more flexible when it comes to paying methods.